There’s been something I’ve been bursting to tell you for a couple of weeks now.
I had the recent privilege of visiting the global headquarters of the world’s biggest contract caterer, Compass Group.
My purpose was to follow-up on a long-standing conversation we’ve been having about the company going cage-free on all its eggs.
Compassion’s team had already been working with Compass, including on a commitment in the US to go cage-free on eggs.
But a global commitment would be something else.
So imagine my delight when their director responsible, Nicki Crayfourd, said those magic words, ‘we’re going cage-free on our eggs, and globally’!
That decision is monumental.
Compass Group is the world’s leading food service company supplying food to over 50,000 locations across 50 countries, serving over 5 billion meals a year.
That’s an awful lot of eggs.
And now an awful lot of hens will be better off, thanks to their commitment to using only cage-free whole and liquid eggs worldwide by 2025.
Launching the news publicly, Nicki Crayfourd hinted at the possibility of more good news from Compass in the future: “This commitment marks the next step in our journey and we look forward to continuing to work with partners such as Compassion in World Farming, Humane Society International and The Humane League who provide invaluable support and guidance.”
As the world’s largest contract caterer, this announcement sets the new benchmark. It signals to the rest of the industry that cage eggs have had their day, that keeping hens in better conditions is the only way for the future.
It is a huge milestone in our campaign to end the cage age.
Compassion has worked with more than 700 companies worldwide to make commitments like this.
The combined impact of pledges and partnerships made by the companies we engage with means that over 700 million animals are set to benefit from better lives.
So hats off to the Compass Group. Hats off to everyone who helped make this happen. And hats off to you for all your support. With you by our side, we can do so much more for animals.