When water is scarce...
A trip to Ethiopia highlights how important water is to small-scale farmers. In an area prone to drought, water harvesters have revolutionised their ability to grow crops and increased their household income tenfold.
Read moreIf Pinocchio did pork adverts…
The UK Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board recently launched the "Pork Not Porkies" campaign, claiming that all pork certified by food and farming "assurance" label Red Tractor was "high welfare". Compassion in World Farming…
Read moreThe real cost of cheap food
The 'ITV Tonight' programme The Real Cost of Cheap Food shown on ITV1 on Friday evening, explored the issue of intensification of farming in Britain.
Read moreTelling Porkies
Adverts claiming Red Tractor-labelled pork is 'high welfare' have been banned following a complaint from Compassion to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
Read moreMinister backtracks on 'Sustainable Intensification'
The Government appears to have taken a step back from a commitment to 'intensive sustainability' in farming following comments made by the Minister of State for Agriculture and Food.
Read moreThe link between our food and our water footprint
World Water Week kicks off on 26th August with a theme of water and its relationship to food security. It’s perfect Compassion material, so we thought we’d look at the relationship between food and water in a bit more detail.
Read moreHow a tainted burger tore a family apart
Kevin Kowalcyk was just two years old when he died; killed by an E. coli infection that he contracted after eating a burger. This story highlights one of the possible health threats of factory farming.
Read moreSow stall ban: nine not ready
Figures obtained by Compassion show several EU member states, including Spain, have joined the list of nations that will be ready for the introduction of the new legislation in the new year.
Read moreFactory farming - anything but innovative
A story has emerged on leading tech/ethics blog Fast Company, talking about technological innovations in factory farming. We don't believe that it tells the full story, and decided to air our views.
Read moreReducing meat consumption – how?
Here at Compassion in World Farming, we’re in the behavioural-change business. Part of that behavioural change involves eating smaller amounts of higher-quality meat – from a health, financial and environmental perspective, it’s a no-brainer.
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