Our new poll, released today (24th July), reveals that more than a quarter of people in the UK (26%) are unaware of any of the major health risks associated with high consumption and overproduction of meat products when presented with a list of them.
Illuminating results
The poll – carried out by YouGov in eight countries on our behalf – shows that just 15% of UK adults know that air pollution from factory farms increases the risk of certain lung cancers and just 22% are aware that there is an increased risk of epidemics and pandemics.
While nearly two-thirds (61%) of those polled in the UK are aware that diets heavy in meat products increase the risk of certain cancers, heart disease, and obesity, less than half (46%) are aware that current use of antibiotics in farming is making them less effective at treating human diseases.
When asked what would encourage them to purchase environmentally sustainable foods, people in the UK were most likely to cite ‘knowing the animals were reared with high welfare standards such as a comfortable living environment that meets their physical and behavioural needs’ as a reason (56%). This was the highest result naming animal welfare, alongside Spain, out of all eight countries. The reason ‘being informed of the benefits to nature (e.g. preventing deforestation etc.)’ was the second most popular selected in the UK by 40% of people.
Factory farms are making us sick
In addition to causing immense animal cruelty and damaging our planet, this trend is seriously harming our health, by:
- Increasing people’s risk of certain cancers and other diseases including coronary heart disease, strokes, type II diabetes, as well as obesity in the global north.
- Unjustly driving people from their land and causing malnutrition and hunger in the global south – feeding more grain to animals makes it more expensive for people which can cause land to be taken from communities to grow crops for farmed animals instead of people.
- Increasing the risk of pandemics like flus and coronaviruses – cramming animals together in factory farms creates the perfect environment for diseases to be transmitted and even to evolve into new, deadly strains that also infect people.
- Increasing the risk of lung cancer due to Industrial agriculture pollution – factory farms produce air pollution when ammonia reacts with other chemical compounds in the air to form particular matter. This can penetrate deep into the lungs causing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and lung cancer.
- Making antibiotics less effective at treating diseases in people – around 70% of the world’s antibiotics are given to farmed animals, often as a preventative measure. This is contributing to antibiotic resistance in people – predicted to kill 10 million people a year by 2050.
The poll results come as representatives from each member state meet for the UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment in Rome to review countries’ progress towards creating a more sustainable global food system. Our Global CEO, Philip Lymbery, will be participating in the event, raising awareness of the urgent need for leaders to agree a global rescue plan for our food system, including a significant global reduction in meat consumption.
When animals suffer, we all suffer
Award-winning author and former UN Food Systems Champion, Philip, said: “When animals suffer, we all suffer. Industrial animal agriculture is not only the single biggest cause of animal cruelty on the planet, it’s damaging our planet, increasing the risk of pandemics and seriously harming our health.
“Yet our new poll shows that many people aren’t even aware of other serious health risks linked to meat production. What’s needed is for world leaders to agree a clear global ‘rescue plan’ for our food system to ensure a healthy future for people, planet and animals. Urgent policies are needed from governments to reduce meat consumption and accelerate a shift towards regenerative food and farming.”
We have launched an initiative as part of our global END.IT campaign to raise awareness of the human costs associated with eating too much meat and other animal proteins. It includes the launch of a new booklet – When Animals Suffer, We All Suffer – explaining the risks.
Our END.IT campaign is supported by renowned actor Brian Cox who said: “Factory farming is not only the single biggest cause of animal cruelty on the planet, it is harming the environment and human health. It contributes to heart disease, lung cancer, antibiotic resistance, and even malnutrition. We need to End.It now. Join me in calling on world leaders to transform our global food system for the sake of our health and the wellbeing of future generations to come.”
Carried out in June and July 2023 in the UK, the US, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Czechia and Poland – the poll showed that across all eight countries awareness of health consequences of high meat diets and production was low. Of all the countries polled, the USA had the highest number of people unaware at 34%, followed by the UK at 26%. The country with the lowest number of people unaware of any of these health risks was Italy at 19% - still 1 in 5 people.
Increased risk of disease
Adults in the UK were most likely to be aware of the increased risk of certain cancers, heart disease, and obesity due to overconsumption (61%) and alongside Spain, were the most likely to cite animal welfare benefits as a reason for considering adopting a more sustainable diet (both 56%). The country with the lowest number of people unaware of any of these healthy risks was Italy at 19% - still 1 in 5 people.
Those surveyed in Italy and Poland were the least likely to be aware of the pandemic risk associated with high meat diets (both at 12%) followed by Czechia (14%). However, adults in Poland were the most likely to be aware of the ‘increased risk of certain lung cancers due to air pollution from factory farms’ (27%), followed by those in Italy (26%), with people from Czechia and the UK the least aware of this (both 15%). People surveyed in the USA were also the most likely to state that nothing would encourage them to buy sustainably produced food (24%), compared with just 6% of people in Italy.