Published 14/06/2021

Today (14th June), thousands of people around the world will be coming together for the sixth annual Ban Live Exports: International Awareness Day to highlight the suffering of millions of animals forced to endure long distance transportation globally every year.
In the wake of recent live exports tragedies around the world, including the disaster on the Suez Canal, which saw hundreds of thousands of animals stranded in awful conditions, today is more important than ever.
A pivotal moment
We are at a pivotal moment in our campaign to Ban Live Exports here in the UK. Thanks to campaigners across the county and beyond, the Government has published a Bill which aims to ban the export of farm animals for slaughter and fattening from or through England, Wales and Scotland. And following 28,000 mails from our wonderful supporters, the SNP also recently committed to banning live exports.
The governments in Westminster and Holyrood must not only follow-through on the steps they have taken towards ending live exports, they must also work as one to prevent loopholes and protect vulnerable animals. A ban is on the horizon in Britain, and Europe must now follow suit.
“The Government’s publication of the Kept Animals Bill is clearly a big win for farm animals in Great Britain, but we are not over the finish line just yet,” says James West, our Senior Policy Manager.
“We must continue to push through the changes needed in the UK, so I urge everybody to unite against live exports today by calling for a robust Great British live exports ban. We hope to see the EU take similar steps over the coming months. And encourage everyone to sign our new petition against EU live exports too,” James continued.
Millions of animals suffering
Every year, millions of farm animals are exported live from the European Union, and millions more are transported long distances within the EU. These animals endure journeys of hundreds, or even thousands, of miles, only to be slaughtered on arrival or fattened in often inhumane conditions.
During these journeys, they suffer tremendously due to stress, exhaustion, over-heating and injuries.
Full force of public opinion
The European Commission is currently reviewing the law that allows this appalling trade which provides a crucial chance to influence EU law on the transport of animals.
We must seize this opportunity and show the Commission the full force of public opinion – both within and beyond the EU – against this cruel and unnecessary trade.
Join us to #BanLiveExports
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we can’t take to the streets this year but that won’t stop us from providing a voice for the millions of animals forced to endure long journeys for slaughter and fattening every year.
Join us this International Awareness Day in calling for a robust Great British live exports ban and please also sign our new petition against EU live exports.