Published 29/09/2017

Last week Eurogroup for Animals’ #StopTheTrucks petition was handed into the European Commission in Brussels.
High on the agenda
The petition, which gained the support of a million European citizens, was presented, to the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety; Vytenis Andriukaitis, and we are delighted to share that this issue has been placed high on the Commission’s agenda.
During the meeting between Eurogroup for Animals and the Commissioner it was decided there would be the creation of a subgroup dedicated to live transport on the EU Animal Welfare Platform. This subgroup will focus on the need to revise the current system and rules governing long distance live animal transport and put in place a long-term strategy to replace this inhumane practice.
A horrific trade
Every year at least 1 billion poultry and 37 million live cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and equines are transported, alive, within the European Union and to Third countries. Tens of thousands of farm animals from the UK are forced to endure long, drawn-out journeys to destinations including France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, at risk of severe dehydration, malnutrition and stress.
Your voice counts
Of the million signatures calling for an end to the long distance live transport of animals, we are so proud that almost 170,000 of these voices came from our supporters – thank you!
Light at the end of the tunnel
Reineke Hameleers, Director of Eurogroup for Animals, said: “Recognition by the Commission of the need to significantly improve the welfare of animals in transit within and outside the EU shows there is light at the end of the tunnel.
“As the situation is becoming more and more urgent as the number of animals involved in long distance transport is dramatically increasing especially to third countries, we welcome the Commission’s openness for not only working on short term solutions but also a long term strategy. Now is the time for us to work together to make this happen.’’
Emma Slawinski, our Director of Campaigns, added:
“We are so grateful to our supporters for backing this petition and we are encouraged by the Commission’s positive response in bringing an end to the needless and cruel trade of live animal transport.”