Published 20/06/2017

Eurogroup for Animals’ petition to #StopTheTrucks has received incredible support, exceeding its target of one million signatures, calling for an end to the long distance transportation of live animals.
Clear support for change
Every year at least 1 billion poultry and 37 million cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and equines are transported, alive, within the European Union and also to third countries.
Tens of thousands of farm animals from the UK are forced to endure lengthy journeys to destinations including France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. All of these animals are at risk of severe dehydration, malnutrition and stress during the journeys.
We were recently featured in an article in The Times which highlighted the extreme length of the journeys that animals can endure, and the loopholes used which prevent them from being provided with adequate rest stops. The overwhelming response to this petition shows clear support for a change in the law.

The Eurogroup for Animals campaign calls for the introduction of a maximum journey time within the EU Transport Regulation, and to replace the transport of live animals with a trade in meat instead.
Reineke Hameleers, Director of Eurogroup for Animals, said: "#StopTheTrucks has exposed the inhumane conditions of animals transported alive. The EU cannot ignore over 1 million signatures from European citizens who want to see an end to the unnecessary pain and suffering of animals in live transport. Currently the EU Transport Regulation compromises animal welfare. Now is the time for the Commission to step up its game and stop the inhumane trade of live animals."
Emma Slawinski, our Director of Campaigns added: “The public demand to end the needless and cruel trade of live animal transport is completely clear. With so many voices speaking out and saying that this is unacceptable, we cannot be ignored - and we will not stop until it is brought to an end.”
Later this year the #StopTheTrucks signatures will be handed in to the European Commission, reiterating to them that action needs to be taken to end long distance live transport for good.
Thank you to all of our supporters who signed the petition.
You can register your interest in our 'Stop Live Transport International Awareness Day' on 13th September here.