Published 26/01/2016

The Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW) is designed to help drive higher farm animal welfare standards in the world’s leading food businesses.
Now in its fourth year, the Benchmark provides an annual review of how the world’s leading food companies are managing and reporting their farm animal welfare policies and practices. It is the first global measure of animal welfare standards in food companies and is designed for use by investors, companies, NGOs and other interested stakeholders.
Leading the way
The global BBFAW report, launched today (26th January) at an event in London, reveals that Noble Foods, Marks & Spencer, Waitrose and Coop Group (Switzerland) have attained the highest marks.
The report, compiled in collaboration with Compassion in World Farming, World Animal Protection, and investment firm Coller Capital, has found that companies are demonstrating increased awareness of farm animal welfare.
Findings show that the proportion of companies with a published farm animal welfare policy has increased from 46% in 2012 to 69% in 2015, and the number with published objectives and targets for farm animal welfare has increased from 26% in 2012 to 54% in 2015.
More work to be done
Unfortunately, despite the overall headway made since 2012, some 40% of companies - including Burger King, Domino’s Pizza Group (UK) and Starbucks - provide little or no information on their approach to farm animal welfare. BBFAW Executive Director, Nicky Amos said: “Despite the progress, it is clear that there is much work to be done to get farm animal welfare on the business agenda of many large global food companies”.
A powerful driver for change
Our CEO, Philip Lymbery, commented: “The Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare has proved again this year what a powerful driver for change it is. Leading food companies are not only acknowledging farm animal welfare as a critical business issue, but also reporting and improving upon it year on year.
“This vital tool is providing an objective movement towards a more honest and compassionate food industry, and we are delighted to be at the forefront of it.”
Hitting the headlines
BBFAW has been getting some great press coverage globally. Here is a small sample of the many articles that the new report has generated:
Global Meat Britain scores highest in global animal welfare report
Ethical Performance: Animal welfare grows in importance to food companies worldwide
Yahoo News: The golden arches earn high marks on new animal-welfare report