Published 01/05/2013
Compassion is hugely disappointed by the news that live exports are to resume from Dover tomorrow.
In a move that could revive a trade that was dwindling in the UK, the port authorities have announced the first sailing tomorrow, with the possibility of one a week to start with.
Some would say it is better that the trade goes through Dover, as the crossing will be quicker, but the fact is anything that makes the trade easier for exporters can only drive up the number of animals exported, increasing suffering and perpetuating a trade that has no place in modern Britain.
No matter what the journey, many exported calves will be raised in conditions that would be illegal under UK law and slaughter conditions for all animals could well be far, far worse than in the UK.
The ex-tank carrier, the Joline, which is the only ship we know of taking live animals from Britain to the continent for slaughter, could be taking thousands of animals across the channel in the coming months.
Compassion will be at Dover tomorrow and will continue to campaign against this cruel trade in our bid to end long distance live animal transport across Europe and the world.