Published 15/10/2012

Today is Blog Action Day – a celebration of blogging in all its weird and wonderful glory. The 2012 theme is "The Power of We" – a somewhat obscure title, which basically means "the power of people working together to make the world a little (or a lot) better". Despite having the acronym BAD, Blog Action Day is clearly a very good thing, and we naturally leapt at the chance to get involved.
The Power of We fits perfectly with our mission to kick-start a food and farming revolution; widespread social change doesn’t generally happen without the existence of passionate people working together to achieve a common goal.
Compassion is fundamentally focussed on "we": we all need to eat; we depend on the wellbeing of our ecosystems; and both of these depend on how we manage our farming systems and the food choices we make.
There are many ways that we can work together to kick-start a food and farming revolution:
- At the till: We have the chance to vote for change three times a day. Make it count by eating a bit less, but better-quality, meat. It may seem like an independent act, but your actions could well help change the behaviours of other people and increase the availability of humane-sustainable products in the supermarkets.
- With friends and family: If you believe we need change, why not use your powers of persuasion to let others know why? There is a host of content available online (such as our guide to winning the arguments against factory farming) to help tell a powerful story.
- With like-minded individuals and organisations: Advances in digital technologies have made it much easier to communicate and collaborate with others. There is a diversity of food-focused campaigns that you can get involved in, such as all of ours and Oxfam’s GROW. You can get involved in many different ways, too, from lobbying politicians to spreading the word to raising funds. Many organisations run local groups, too, if offline campaigning is more your thing.