Published 17/05/2010
Over 100 Professors from Dutch Universities have joined forces to issue a "Plea for Sustainable Livestock Farming", which calls for a radical reform of industrial farming.
The 12 page essay by a range of experts from different fields of study spells out the adverse impacts of industrial factory farms on animal welfare, water and crop resources, climate change and human health. The essay ends with calls for animal welfare to be given a central position in the livestock sector, restrictions on the establishment and expansion of factory farms, the promotion of plant-based foods by government and a 33% reduction in consumption of animal products by 2020.
The group have established a website, which received 50,000 hits in 2 weeks.
The plea echoes much of what Compassion has published in our Eating the Planet report (published jointly with Friends of the Earth).
Compassion in World Farming urges concerned academics in other countries to develop similar Pleas - and calls on governments to take notice.