Published 15/07/2009
Thanks to a project sponsored by the RSPCA and IFAW, an animal welfare law is being drafted by a legal team within China, headed by Professor Chang Jiwen of the Law Institute of The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The hope is that the final version of the law will be accepted by the National Congress of the Communist Party of China within the next three years.
Compassion in World Farming is supporting the development of farm animal welfare in China by working with the RSPCA, WSPA and Humane Society international to organise a series of conferences in October 2009 for universities and the food and farming industries.
In 2008 Zhou Zunguo became our spokesperson in China. Among his many projects, he has helped with producing Compassion materials in Chinese.
You can see an excellent short news report about this development on Chinese TV's English language channel.
When the time comes to write letters in support of this law, we shall let you know!