Published 27/07/2016
Compassion in World Farming congratulates Aldi on bringing forward their deadline to stop sourcing whole shell eggs from caged hens from 2030 to 2025.
In March, Aldi pledged to begin phasing out eggs from caged hens in 2025, with an aim to go cage-free on whole shell eggs by 2030. Whilst Compassion welcomed this positive move, the extended timescale was disappointing. Compassion are therefore delighted, that with continued pressure, Aldi have adjusted this time frame – committing to going cage-free five years earlier than previously proposed.
Earlier this month, Tesco committed to phase out the sale of caged eggs within its stores by 2025, and Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, the Co-op and Marks and Spencer have already removed caged eggs from their stores, however some major UK retailers still sell caged eggs, including Asda, Morrisons and Lidl. This move by both Aldi and Tesco to drive cages out of modern egg production is a strong signal that the end of cages for laying hens in the UK is closer than ever.
Nearly 20 million laying hens in the UK are currently kept in cages, denying them some of the most basic behaviours and depriving them of a life worth living.
Compassion has been engaging with Aldi and will continue to work with the retailer to ensure the production system changes required to go cage-free will give hens a good quality of life in rich and stimulating environments.
Philip Lymbery, Compassion in World Farming’s CEO, says: “I am delighted that Aldi has brought forward their deadline to stop sourcing whole shell eggs from caged hens from 2030 to 2025 and would like to congratulate them on their cage-free commitment.
“I hope that like in the US, this is the start of a monumental shift towards a cage-free future for all egg laying hens in the UK”
Notes to Editors:
In April, Walmart, the largest grocer in the US, announced their commitment to switch to 100% cage-free eggs by 2025. However, despite being owned by Walmart, Asda, the second largest supermarket in Britain, has yet to commit to phasing out cages for hens.
Aldi to go cage-free by 2025 27th July 2016.pdf: