Compassion in World Farming is delighted to have made a Strategic Partnership with Roots & Shoots, the youth wing of the Jane Goodall Institute. There are hundreds of R&S youth groups around the world for ages 5 to 21.
This new partnership means both institutions will promote each other’s work in the areas of animal welfare, education, protection of biodiversity and environmentally sustainable food and farming systems.
Compassion’s Joyce D’Silva says, “Compassion in World Farming is thrilled to partner with Roots & Shoots. We know that young people throughout the world care passionately for the planet, its people and the millions of creatures with whom we share this space. We look forward to working with Roots & Shoots to raise awareness about the wellbeing of the animals we farm, often very intensively. I believe we can work together to find more compassionate ways to keep animals and to feed ourselves.”