Compassion has formed strategic partnerships with key organisations in sustainability and animal welfare.
The Memorandum of Agreement commits both organisations to support relevant initiatives and campaigns, promote cooperation and enhance each other’s work in the areas of animal welfare, education and environmentally sustainable food and farming systems.
Compassion and the University of Winchester Working together
There are plans for joint research projects to be run through the University’s new Centre for Animal Welfare. Through its own Centre of Excellence for farm animal welfare, Compassion in turn will feed into the University’s new undergraduate and postgraduate animal welfare courses.
The two charities may issue joint publications through the University of Winchester Press and senior Compassion staff will be invited to give lectures at the University. Compassion will play a supervisory role for relevant PhD students and provide internships and volunteering opportunities to students.
Compassion has promised to run an annual essay competition for students, with winning entries being published in our magazine “Farm Animal Voice” and on our website.
Centre of Excellence for farm animal welfare
Compassion plans to expand its role as a Centre of Excellence on the welfare of farm animals and on the impacts of farming methods on the environment, resource use and livelihoods.
The University of Winchester was the first UK university to receive a gold Food for Life Catering Mark award, and a Good Chicken Award and a Good Egg Award in 2009 from Compassion in World Farming.
We are delighted to announce this wide-ranging strategic partnership that will enable us to share expertise in animal welfare. We look forward to leveraging the platform in a variety of ways including the development of joint academic publications over the coming years.
Philip Lymbery, CEO Compassion in World Farming
Update: Further to that powerful partnership, in May 2016, the University of Winchester launched a new Centre for Animal Welfare - a new vibrant hub for events, teaching, and research on the subject of animal welfare.
Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots

Compassion in World Farming is delighted to have made a Strategic Partnership with Roots & Shoots, the youth wing of the Jane Goodall Institute. There are hundreds of R&S youth groups world wide for ages 5 to 21.
This new partnership means both institutions will promote each other’s work in the areas of animal welfare, education, protection of biodiversity and environmentally sustainable food and farming systems.
Compassion in World Farming is thrilled to partner with Roots & Shoots. We know that young people throughout the world care passionately for the planet, its people and the millions of creatures with whom we share this space. We look forward to working with Roots & Shoots to raise awareness about the wellbeing of the animals we farm, often very intensively. I believe we can work together to find more compassionate ways to keep animals and to feed ourselves.
Joyce D’Silva, Compassion in World farming