Industrial animal agriculture will put several SDGs out of reach August 2018
The FAO recognises that industrial livestock production “may occur at the expense ofdiminishing the market opportunities and competitiveness of small rural producers”.1 TheWorld…
Scientific research shows that the industrial model of agriculture and the Western diet will make it difficult to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the ParisClimate…
Download (PDF 2.01MB)UNEA-4 Achieving sustainable food systems January 2019
Estimates of the number of people that could be fed from current food production varyfrom 11.5 billion to nearly 16 billion. We produce sufficient food; the problem is thatover…
Download (PDF 1.06MB)Towards a flourishing food system
It has long been recognised that high-input, resource-intensive farming systems are harmful and unsustainable; yet there has been considerable intertia around action to deliver…
Download (PDF 1.81MB)Reducing meat consumption: should the focus be on ruminants or monogastrics
Many studies show that reducing meat consumption would benefit the environment and our health. However because ruminants (cattle and sheep) have higher greenhouse gas emissions…
Download (PDF 0.44MB)Paris climate targets beyond our reach?
We can’t hit the Paris targets without a reduction in meat and dairy consumption
Download (PDF 1.36MB)Paris Climate Agreement & 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Two closely linked agreements are the Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A crucial challenge for the world for 2016 and beyond is…
Download (PDF 0.57MB)Briefing: Climate Change Agreement December 2015
New International Agreement on Climate Change planned for adoption in December 2015: Livestock Sector’s Role
Download (PDF 0.42MB)Ethiopia case study
Securing the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia
Download (PDF 9.44MB)Wasting water
A study to understand the water footprint of livestock farming. The aim was to assess whether a range of farming systems, with differing animal welfare, use water differently.
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